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Hempel Special Metals has expanded its materials and product portfolio with the acquisition and integration of TK Fittings. Mechanical processing was also implemented at the same time as the integration. Special fittings (T-pieces, reducers, bends, caps, etc.) can now be manufactured in small batches. This enables us to manufacture and deliver fittings in special materials in the shortest possible time. In combination with the pipe bearing dimensions, everything can now be supplied from a single source. This diversity is unique in Europe, especially with regard to the additional delivery spectrum in the sheet metal sector. 

The acceptance tests can take place under our own direction according to AD regulations or under the supervision of an independent testing institute.

Product Count

Cuts, fittings, other shapes (12)

Cuts, fittings, other shapes Cuts, fittings, other shapes 1.4301 - 304
Cuts, fittings, other shapes Cuts, fittings, other shapes 1.4404 - 316L
Cuts, fittings, other shapes Cuts, fittings, other shapes 1.4571 - 316Ti